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Students INFO
Rules and Regulations
1. Admission of candidates is made by considering the marks obtained at the Pre-University
2. Students should abide by the rules and regulations in force framed from time to time by the
college authorities.
3. Students will not be admitted to the college again to the succeeding years / semester unless their
attendance, progress and conduct are satisfactory.
4. Reservation of seats will be made in accordance with the Government rules in force. Students
should submit caste / Income certificate issued by the revenue authorities.
5. At the time of admission. Original Marks Card and Transfer Certificate of Pre-University, Caste /
Income certificate should be submitted.
6. Sports Quota: each class will have a seat reserved for the sportsmen.
7. Students of the other colleges seeking admission to second and third year of the course should
obtain prior permission from the Registrar, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta.
8. Students of other states, seeking admission to first year course should obtain eligibility certificate
from the Registrar, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta.
9. Using Mobile Phone on the campus is strictly Prohibited.
10. If a student loses a library book, he/she must either arrange to replace the book within a month or
pay double the price of the book.
11. Class tests will be conducted to assess the performance of the student for the purposes of internal
12. Students must read all the information put up on the notice board of the college.
13. Parents are required to meet the principal and the class mentor frequently to keep themselves in
touch with the attendance and progress of their wards.
14. The working hours of the college will be 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.
Each semester will be taken as a unit for the purpose of calculating attendance.
A student shall be considered to have satisfied requirements of attendance for the semester, if he / she has attended not less than 75% of the number of class including tutorials, tests etc. , actually held up to the end of the semester in each of the papers.
A candidate who does not satisfy the requirements even in one subject shall not be permitted to take the whole examination of that semester and he or she shall study that semester as a regular student in the subsequent year. Parents will be informed about this regularly.
A student representing his/her institution /university (Karnataka) state/ country in sports / NCC / NSS cultural or any other officially sponsored days participated, subject to a maximum of 30 days in an academic year on the specific recommendation and prior permission of the head of institution concerned.
» National Post metric Scholarship
» Karnataka state post metric scholarship for the backward.
» Government of India Hindi scholarship
» National merit scholarship
» National loan scholarship
» Karnataka state government scholarship for the physically handicapped
» Jindal trust merit scholarship
» Sanchi honamma student scholarship
» Urdu academy student scholarship
» Gowda saraswatha student scholarship
» Service personal scholarship
» Vasantha rao education foundation and research scholarship
» Acharya Tulsi cash award
» Sri. K.C. Devadas and smt. R.R.Prabhavathi cash award
» B. I. Prabhavathi cash award.
» Late. H. Dattari Shastri cash award
» Sri. D. Chandulal cash award
» Late. Smt. Mohana Cash award
» Sultan chand Drupati devi foundation scholarship
» Smt. Tulasibai cash award
» Varada ramanuja cash award
» Late kumara sahana amaranath memorial cash award
» Late lakshmappa cash award.
Promotion to Next Higher Semester
For admission to B. B. M - III Semester, a student shall pass at least 40 percent of the courses of B. B. M - I and II semesters put together subject to a minimum of five courses ( excluding the courses, environmental Science and Constitution of India), and
For admission to B. B. M - V Semester, the student shall pass at least 40 percent of the courses of B. B. M - I to IV semesters put together subject to courses, Environmental Science and Constitution of India).
For admission to B.Com - III Semester, a student shall pass at least 40% of the course of B. com - I and II semesters put together subject to a minimum of five courses ( excluding the courses, Environmental Science and Constitution of India ) and
For admission to B. Com - V Semester, the student shall pass at least 40 % of the Courses of B. Com - I to IV Semester ( Excluding the courses, Environmental Science and Constitution of India).
Appearance for the Examination
A Candidate should apply for all the subjects of the semester when he/she appears for the examination of that semester for the first time.
Declaration of Result
The Degree of Bachelor of Commerce shall be awarded to the candidates who have passed all the courses of all the six semesters of B. Com,.
However, the Class of the Degree shall be awarded only to those students who have passed all the courses of the last / final two Semesters (that is Semesters - V and VI) in the first attempt.
The class of passing of B. Com Degree programmae shall be announced based on the percentage of marks secured in the last / final two semester ( that is Semester - V and VI) in the first attempt as follows.

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